Leadership Team

Dr Jane Williams RN(Paeds) BMgt CertTertTeach PhD

Dr Jane is one of Australia’s leading experts on child neuro-development. She is the Research and Education General Manager for GymbaROO and KindyROO, a Neuro-Developmental Consultant, and Adjunct Lecturer at James Cook University School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition. She also consults with families when parents are concerned about their child’s development. Dr Jane has been working with infants, children and parents for over 40 years and loves her job! Her past research has focused on the important role that parents play in the detection of early, but subtle, developmental problems that may give rise to later learning problems at school. More recently she has been monitoring the results of a school-based, GymbaROO designed, sensory-motor movement program. The results couldn’t be more exciting – children are loving the program and both physical and academic skills are improving enormously. Dr Jane not only believes that movement is the key to learning, but that parents are THE most important influence on their children’s lives. As a result she is committed totally to helping parents help their children – from tiny babies through to school-aged. She lectures extensively and has appeared on media worldwide, including: Major TV Networks/Chat Shows/News in China, Bulgaria, Jakarta, Indonesia and Singapore. In 2014 and 2017 she was invited by the Chinese Government Committee for the Future Wellbeing of Children as the keynote speaker at their International Forum, and more recently (2017) as an Inaugural member of the “Global Scientific Parenting Alliance”, an NGO established to help parents and children worldwide be the best they can be.

Dr Jane also keeps abreast of the latest research in early childhood development and ensures that the BabyROO, GymbaROO and KindyROO programs are as up-to-date as possible. Parents can be assured that information they receive and the activities they do at BabyROO, GymbaROO and KindyROO are the best they possibly can be!

Dr-Jane-Williams-GymbaROO-Baby and child development expert

Bindy Cummings B.Ed(Hons) Human Movement

Bindy Cummings is a qualified teacher and mother of four children. She became enthusiastically involved in teaching the GymbaROO program over thirty years ago. After starting up two company run GymbaROOs, she went on to Franchise another two and became GymbaROO’s NSW Manager. Being passionate about early childhood development and its importance to learning, she continued her studies and went on to become a Child Development Consultant (neurodevelopmental), Early Childhoood Development Lecturer, GymbaROO Teacher Trainer, INPP (Retained Reflex) Consultant and iLS (Sound Therapy) Consultant. Upon the birth of her third child, she sold her GymbaROO franchises and concentrated on what she likes to call ‘research and development’ in the raising of her brood. Throughout this period, Bindy continued to be involved in the GymbaROO teacher training program and returned to full time work with GymbaROO for the creation and development of GymbaROO’s extremely popular and successful free online series for parents and babies: The Active Babies Smart Kids series. Bindy now manages GymbaROO’s content online, writes articles on child development and is the Editor of GymbaROO’s magazine for parents: First Steps. Bindy also presents or lectures on the importance of the earliest years to later learning and life.
