Online Baby Classes: Active Babies Smart Kids

ONE HOUR to make a huge investment in your baby’s future

During pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you and your partner watch the beginning of each of the twelve episodes in our online series of baby classes: Active Babies Smart Kids. This bit of ‘baby prepping’ will take you ONE HOUR yet will make a MASSIVE difference to your baby’s future intelligence, learning ability, sporting ability, confidence and happiness. At GymbaROO we recommend, for your baby’s sake, that you find the time.

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The first five minutes of each episode features BabyROO’s Bit More on… topics such as: Tummy Time, Baby Massage, Baby Exercise, Baby Balance, Hearing and Speech, Rhythm and Music, and six other equally important areas that relate to your baby’s development. These segments explain the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of each important developmental area.

As parents, you are the main influence on your baby’s learning experiences and development. Knowing when, why and what to do with your baby before your precious little bundle is born is going to have you prepared in a way that will not only significantly enhance your baby’s development, it will also help to make the earliest months a lot less confusing and a lot more joyful.

Neuro-scientific studies now confirm that the experiences a child has in the first year of life are critical for brain development. It is during the first year that much of the essential wiring linked to learning is laid down. A child’s success at school is set in the earliest years.

Preparing yourself in this way will have a vast and long-lasting impact on your baby’s development and learning ability. This is one of the best gifts you will be able to give your baby.

The series comes highly recommended by paediatricians, doctors, early childhood experts and the Maternal Child and Family Health Nurses Association of Australia. There are already thousands of parents and expecting parents enjoying our online videos and raising smarter, happier babies.

Try the first episode for free or register to enjoy the entire series here.